Kessler & Solomiany, LLC Blog

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Randy Kessler was a guest on the “The Future of Resolution” podcast. The episode is the third of the podcast’s second season and is titled “Randy Kessler on Family Law and Domestic Mediation.” In it, Randy discusses “complex divorce cases, custody issues, and the benefits of domestic mediation” with host the host, judge Jason Harper. […]


There is no question that lawyers are not all cut from the same cloth. Some attorneys specialize in family law, while others focus on personal injury cases. The law is complicated and includes multiple different facets. Someone who works primarily on defending accused criminals shouldn’t represent a client trying to file a medical malpractice case. […]


Alimony is one of the most contentious parts of any divorce. Some former spouses need it. Others think they’re entitled to more than they’re getting. Some people don’t mind paying, and some think it’s a revenge-based money grab from their ex. And even after the details have been worked out, something may happen, and you […]


Atlanta celebrity divorce attorney Randy Kessler appeared on Court TV to discuss the high-profile divorce between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Part of the challenge of going through a divorce in the public eye is how social media posts can affect the case, as discussed in the segment, which can be viewed below.


Times have changed and technology has made great strides in bringing people closer together. The COVID-19 emergency has added a new wrinkle to things like custody and visitation. The lockdown imposed restrictions on parental visitations, and some parents found that alternatives like FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom made visitation easier to arrange. Now that things have […]

January 31st, 2022

COVID Protocol

Our firm has always been a leader in remote working and cloud based services, so adapting to more use of Zoom, FaceTime and other audio and video conferencing platforms has been a natural progression.
