Kessler & Solomiany, LLC Blog

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Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals today stayed the Order which overturned Prop 8, thereby precluding, for the time being, same sex marriages in California. This seems to be an attempt to avoid the potential conflict and uncertainty which would arise in the event same sex couples marry under the current state of the […]

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Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo

What is amazing is who is on the panel of presenters. Among the five panelists will be David Boies, who just successfully argued and tried the Proposition 8 case.

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
August 6th, 2010

ABA in San Francisco

What a time for the annual ABA meeting to be in San Francisco. I land in 20 minutes and it already feels like there is a buzz in the air. The plane is filled with Georgia lawyers all headed to various ABA meetings for different areas of the law. But it is in San Francisco […]

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo

Many divorce cases involve complex financial issues which may often be simplified by the engagement of a financial professional. The employment of an experienced financial expert (combined with an attorney who frequently handles complex financial cases) can be particularly helpful in such situations especially when one spouse is a financial professional such as a C.P.A. […]

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
July 26th, 2010

ABA Annual Meeting 2010

At the meeting, I will have the good fortune of being sworn in as the Chair Elect of the Family Law Section of the American Bar Association.