Kessler & Solomiany, LLC Blog

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Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo

(Reposted from my LinkedIn Blog): Certainly “divorce law” is not the most comfortable dinner conversation topic when out with friends. Often when the discussion turns to “How’s work?” or “Tell us about what you do”, there’s an uncomfortable pause when I explain that I am a family lawyer. I often get looks wondering if that […]

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
September 5th, 2014

The Stream

(Copied from my LinkedIn Influencer Post): I was asked last week to participate in a discussion on “The Stream“, a news show on Aljazeera America, on how divorce affects children. It will air next week. “The Stream” (it is a series, like “Nightline”, etc.) is a neat show with a great format involving guests, anchors […]

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo
August 12th, 2014

Everything you wanted to know

When to file for divorce is a question only you can answer (except, unfortunately, if your spouse has filed or files first, then you will be thrust into a divorce, even if you aren’t or weren’t ready for it).  A good lawyer or friend or therapist will not tell you that you must file.  All […]


By Linda Federico-O’Murchu Everything is a numbers game—and marital infidelity is no exception. According to a recent survey, the average affair lasts six months and costs $444 a month, or $2,664 in total. The survey, conducted by a British retail company researching American spending habits, broke down the expenses incurred in a typical fling, such […]

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June 15th, 2014

Father’s Day

Lots of things come to mind, but for me, as a divorce lawyer, it sounds more like “Parent’s Day”. All parents should be celebrated and hopefully able to be with their children on this day. Rather than single out one parent, why not focus on one, but maintain the importance of both? And yes this […]

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Over a year ago LinkedIn invited me to be one of their “Influencers”. I did not know what that meant and at first thought they may want me to pay for the privilege.  They said the world’s most influential people were being invited. People like Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Barack Obama. I laughed and knew […]

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A few weekends ago I was in Chicago for a presentation to the Sports Lawyers Association in Chicago. It was snowing outside and raining knowledge inside. I sat in on many of the other presentations and learned a lot about sports law along with 850 other lawyers and law students. Then the next week and weekend were spent […]