Kessler & Solomiany, LLC Blog


By Randall M. Kessler Tip 1. Help your lawyer help you. Lawyers do not “know it all” and they certainly do not know you or your spouse. In fact, you probably know your spouse as well as anyone. So give your lawyer suggestions as to how to get through to your spouse. Does your spouse […]

May 2nd, 2016

Athletes and Family Law

By Randall M. Kessler Why does it seem that they often have issues with family law? From my perspective, as a divorce and family law attorney who handles many athlete cases, I can tell you the reasons seem obvious to me. Take a young man 20 years old, give him lots of money and adoring […]


Expert opinions on the high celebrity divorce rate By Marni Feuerman Have a baby, move in together, then (maybe) get married? Oh…the life of the celebrity. Doing many things backward and seemingly haphazard. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a wedding only to divorce sometime between 72 hours – 2 years. At least, that […]


By Randall M. Kessler The end of the year is always a mixed blessing. We are family law attorneys meaning we represent people going through divorce and related matters. At the end of each year, our business slows down (which is good), but then it always increases in January as divorce filings are regularly at […]


By Quentin Fottrell  If you’re planning to get divorced in 2016, start thinking about your exit strategy now. Divorce filings surge in January as people decide to start their New Year with a clean slate, experts say. “We are at least 25% busier in January and, sometimes, twice as busy,” says Randy Kessler, an Atlanta-based […]

September 30th, 2015

Divorce and a Young Child

By Randy Kessler A discussion about divorce with a young child is unfortunate but, in today’s world, much more common than perhaps it should be. Circumstances beyond our control — some would argue whether divorce is within our control — often require such a conversation, which must be handled with a great amount of tact […]

Kessler & Solomiany Family Law Attorneys Logo

Such a discussion is unfortunate, but in today’s world, much more common than perhaps it should be. Nonetheless, circumstances often beyond our control (although some would argue that whether or not to divorce is within our control), require such a conversation, which must be handled with a great amount of tact and thoughtfulness. Such a […]


By Randall M. Kessler As lawyers we are often taught to simplify things. We must simplify complex legal statutes to make them easier for our clients to understand. We must also often simplify complex financial situations so that judges can understand what the marital estate is comprised of, so that they may divide it fairly. […]


By Randall M. Kessler We all know that voice, the one in your navigation system telling you to “turn left.” She tells us when to turn, how far until our next turn and when we have arrived at our destination. But the part that we can learn from, is when we do not follow her […]